Learn the location and tales the fascinating highway of the mountain men and Indians that runs through our own backyard at the Greeley History Museum, Friday, April 4. The presentation begins at 6 p.m. in the Community Room of the museum.

Patrick Surrena, local historian, historic trail preservationist, and fur trade enthusiast will present a virtual tour of the Trappers Trail which runs south from Fort Laramie through Weld County, just east of Greeley and down into New Mexico.

Every first Friday from April to October, historic tales of daring and mystery will be shared at the Greeley History Museum. Speakers throughout the summer will explore the intriguing Meeker story as well as other locally significant personalities. For more information about the next presentation, call 970-350-9220 or visit The Greeley History Museum is at 714 8th St. in Downtown Greeley.


For Immediate Release
For more information, contact:
Bill Armstrong, Curator of Education and Living History
City of Greeley Museums
970-350-9275, [email protected]

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