world war II

Patriotic Sentiments

Patriotic Sentiments

Patriots, at home and abroad, demonstrated the love and affection for their country by doing whatever was necessary for the well-being of their country.

Things I Learned while Looking Up Something Else

Things I Learned while Looking Up Something Else

Historian Carol Rein Shwayder began researching her family genealogy in the 1970s. She was “dismayed, and shocked” to find there was no book written for Weld County history. In 1983, Shwayder self-published Weld County Old & New: History of Weld County, Colorado, Vol. I, Chronology 1836-1983.  It is described by the author as “A chronological compendium of interesting, useful, and hard-to-find facts and information about the history and development of Weld County, Colorado. Herein follows a sampling of excerpted entries.

Military WAVES in Greeley

Military WAVES in Greeley

In July of 1942, women officially made a splash into the U.S. Navy when President Roosevelt signed into law a newly formed division, the U.S. Naval Reserve (Women’s Reserve), unofficially called WAVES or Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service.