December 22, 2014

For Immediate Release
For more information, contact:
Bill Armstrong, Curator of Education and Living History
[email protected]

Something big has arrived in Greeley and you may have seen one part of it around town.

It’s a giant LEGO®-like exhibit purchased by the Greeley Museums Heritage Foundation and loaned to the Greeley History Museum, 714 8th St.

In fact, a giant LEGO®-like statue has already been at the Festival of Trees and the Rodarte Community Center promoting the exhibit. The statue will move to the Greeley Ice Haus, 900 8th Ave., starting Jan. 5.

The exhibit, titled Build! Frontiers, runs June 6 through December 31, 2015, and will combine interactive learning with regional history to create a memorable museum experience. The exhibit features giant LEGO®-like pieces, interactive construction stations, historic photos and information about regional growth and construction from 1870 to the present.

The Greeley Museums Heritage Foundation strives to support family-oriented historical events, projects and exhibits at the Greeley History Museums that serve Northern Colorado’s diverse population. According to Foundation President Odie Roberts, this hands-on exhibit will attract new audiences and appeal to people of all ages.

“We hope people in our community will be excited to donate LEGO® bricks or support exhibit enhancements through monetary donations,” said Roberts. “We really hope the public supports this, making it Greeley’s destination exhibit in 2015.”

LEGO® does not sponsor or endorse this exhibit.

For more information about supporting local history preservation or to sponsor the exhibit, call 970-350-9219.

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