FOR RELEASE: A new exhibit, “Digging Deeper: An Archeological Discovery,” opens at the Greeley History Museum, 714 8th St., this Saturday, Feb. 4. The exhibit includes information, photographs, real mammoth bones, and other artifacts recovered from the nearby Dent archaeological site in the 1930s and on loan from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
According to Exhibit Curator Nicole Famiglietti, “Although its significance was not fully recognized at the time, the excavations at the Dent site from 1932 to 1933 made this site incredibly important to the field of archaeology. This was the first known find of Columbian mammoth bones in relation to Clovis points. In fact, the points discovered at Dent may be the first discovered Clovis points, pre-dating the Clovis, New Mexico excavation site that the culture and points were named for. The Dent site showed that humans did hunt mammoths in North America.”
Admission to the exhibit comes with a field notes booklet that tracks activities throughout the gallery. As visitors go through the exhibit and booklet, they learn about archaeology and excavation, the history of the Dent site, and information about other important archaeological sites in Weld County.
A giant wall mural, painted by Greeley resident Adriana Trujillo with the help of museum staff members, depicts Northeastern Colorado during the Pleistocene epoch and the now extinct animals that lived during that time. The Pleistocene was the most recent series of ice ages, which began about 1.6 million years ago.
Located in the Greeley History Museum’s East Gallery, the exhibit runs until August 13, 2017.
The museum’s February hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, Noon to 4:30 p.m. The museum begins new visitor hours in March.
Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and children ages three to 17, and $15 for a group of five. For more information about exhibits and programs, visit
For more information, contact:
Nicole Famiglietti, Exhibits Curator
[email protected]