FOR RELEASE: Here comes the cavalry! Centennial Village Museum’s Civil War Weekend takes place Saturday, September 30, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday, October 1, noon to 4 p.m. During the event, Costumed reenactors set their tents up on the southeastern corner of the 8-acre outdoor living history museum and live as they would have during the Civil War—many using historic wares true to the time period.
Both days of the event will include a battle reenactment at noon, complete with guns and cannon. Visitors can also watch marching drills and check out the tent area and cooking station during the museum’s public hours. The event also features home tours, blacksmithing and print shop demonstrations.
“This event lets the public see what an 1863 military encampment would have looked like,” says Curator of Historic Sites Scott Chartier. “The folks who do this type of thing live for it and they camp out entirely in character, their clothing and everything. Even when the museum is closed to the public, they will, for the most part, continue to camp just like they would have in 1863.”
Chartier actively participates in re-enactments throughout the region and says that any drill or gun and cannon shot happens just as it would have during the war with one small exception. “These guys use blanks.”
The museum is only open to the public for two other events later this year—the annual Howl-O-Ween trick-or-treat on October 21 and 22 and Homesteader’s Holiday on December 2.
Admission to the museum is $18 for a family of five or $8 per adult, $6 per senior, and $5 per child. For more information about this and other City of Greeley Museums events, visit or call 970-350-9220.
For more information, contact:
Scott Chartier, Curator of Historic Sites
[email protected]