Wedding Customs of the Late 19th Century
Knights of the Roaring Wheels
Archiving the Camp Family Collections
A Reflection by Katalyn Lutkin, City of Greeley Museums Archives Assistant I started processing the Camp Family Collections in July of 2016. At that time, there was only one donation with several more on the way. In the last 3 years, I have processed 13 collections...
Innovation with the Fascination
April Fools: A Bad Joke for a Good Cause
Military WAVES in Greeley
100-Year-Old Unsolved Robbery
Out of This World?
Detective Work at the Museum: Researching the Past Using Historical Sources
Remember back to your high school days when you had to write that pesky research paper? Or maybe you’re still in high school and you have a history assignment due. It can be a long process combing through dozens of books to find useful information; and in today’s age...
Drilling for Health – Greeley’s First Artesian Well
Drilling for Health – Greeley’s First Artesian Well The acquisition of safe drinking water for early Greeley was no simple task. Discussions began in early 1883 when G. Law wrote to the Greeley Tribune suggesting that a well providing potable water could be...