In 2014, the City of Greeley Museums had 137 volunteers donate over 11,000 hours of service. Twenty-one of those volunteers were recently presented with the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) for 2014

“It’s an incredible honor to have such dedicated volunteers. Six of our 21 volunteers earned the gold level award,” said Will Abbot, assistant curator of education with the museums.

The six volunteers recognized at the gold level were:

Susan Dyer for volunteering 424 hours
Roarinbrook Smith, local teen, for volunteering 338 hours
Beth Oligmueller for volunteering 318 hours
Dana Potts, local teen, for volunteering 270 hours
Corvin Seery, local teen, for volunteering 206 hours
Kristine Nigl for volunteering 205 hours

Additionally, five volunteers were recognized at the silver level and 11 volunteers were recognized at the bronze level. Each recipient received a letter signed by the President of the United States, certificate of recognition and a lapel pin in honor of their achievements.

According to Volunteer Coordinator Wendy Potts, “Volunteers are the lifeblood of our museum. They enrich our museums by providing a variety of services. They work with the public and behind the scenes. Without volunteers, we would not be able to complete our mission.”

For information about the PVSA, visit For information about volunteering at the City of Greeley Museums, visit


For Immediate Release
For more information, contact:
William Abbot, Assistant Curator of Education
[email protected]

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