Year: 2014

Making Manny the Mannequin: Week 1

Any decent tailor will tell you that he or she creates and alters clothing to fit the clients body shape. They take measurements of shoulder span, arm and leg length, neck circumference. The exhibits designers at the Greeley History Museum take those measurements...

Internship: 2 Months

I have now been interning at the Greeley Museum for almost two months. The majority of my work has focused on designing a five panel series that will explore the history of the Spanish Colony, a unique Greeley neighborhood initiated in 1924 to maintain a community and...

Internship: 1st Month

It was an interesting day as I joined the Exhibits Team to review the water exhibit in the Main Gallery at the Greeley History Museum. We engaged a visiting family from Louisiana to get their feedback on our ideas for revisions. It turned out that they had come to...

Internship: Day 1

I am Kristine Nigl, a non-traditional student at the University of Northern Colorado, working on my bachelors degree in Graphic Design. My current goal is to find a career in Environmental Graphic Design upon graduation. I like the idea of working not only on two...

A Letter Home: First Friday Presentation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 28, 2014 Scott Chartier, member of the Colorado Military Historical Group, presents A Letter Home at the Greeley History Museum, Friday, May 2. The presentation begins at 6 p.m. in the Community Room of the museum. Free admission....

Stitches in Time

Lessons Learned: "...women came in all shapes and sizes all throughout history. Maybe we are not so unlike our grandmothers and great grandmothers after all!" Mary Ruth is a Volunteer at Centennial Village, and enjoys researching and understanding historic fashion....

What we discovered in Wyoming

Tym Lynch volunteers with Greeley Museums as one of our Renaissance men. Tym brings early period skills from blacksmithing and rope making -to building exhibit furnishings and creating a miniature 1900-era sugar beet train yard. "As a volunteer with Greeley Museums, I...