What did City of Greeley residents feel were important issues the city should focus on? Here’s a snapshot of issues from Greeley’s 1920 City Improvement Plan, a 10-year program endorsed by the Greeley Chamber of Commerce. Organize a campaign to do away with rats? Own a streetcar line? What else could there be? Greeley history sure is interesting!
10-Year Program Endorsed by the Greeley Chamber of Commerce
Outlined by H.D. Parker, Committee Chairman
- Enlarge sanitary sewer; developing a storm sewer.
- Improve Fourteenth avenue preparatory to taking care of flood waters; constructing several small reservoirs; set out trees, making undesirable property into parks.
- Organize a company with the idea in view of developing an addition to Greeley; anticipating general improvements; if possible, extending water mains and sewer; grading streets, building sidewalks and curb. See that the electric light line is extended, and possibly streetcar line, with the view of building houses for sale and rent, turning property with a minimum profit.
- City ownership of street car line.
- City developing own electric power in the mountains, possibly joining with Loveland.
- Improve present water plant.
- Pave streets, as well as see that all ungraded streets are graded and graveled.
- Improve Island Grove park by acquiring the land between Island Grove park and the Colorado & Southern tracks, developing this property, together with Island Grove park, into golf links, and look after the organizing of a golf club, with the idea of building a country club building at Island Grove park.
- Build a proper and attractive swimming pool.
- Organize a campaign to do away with rats.
- Construct appropriate comfort station in Lincoln park at corner of Eighth street and Ninth avenue, and erection of a new band stand.
- Build appropriate election booths in each precinct.
- Help develop municipal playground on property owned by School District No. 6.
- Provide an ordinance for disposing of garbage.
- Provide an ordinance for treating tuberculosis, both in meats and dairy products, unless there is an ordinance now on our books. If so, see that it is enforced.
- Investigate and secure, if possible, the city’s proportion of county road tax.
- Raise city water rates, both in city and along the line into and beyond Greeley.
- Make plans for developing to highest efficiency of present school system.
- Perfect a system for eliminating all cotton-bearing cottonwood trees.
Submitted by Peggy Ford-Waldo, Greeley Museums Development Coordinator